UltraBac allows the configuration of many user preferences in one centralized menu. UltraBac Management Console behavior, the path to backup logs, user accounts, and more can be configured in this menu. The menu can be accessed at any time by selecting the Manage tab, and clicking "General."
Fig. 1 - Selecting the preferences.
The User menu modifies the default behavior of the UltraBac user interface.
Fig. 2 - User preferences.
User Preferences:
Save password – If a user name and password are entered through the Backup Wizard, the account will automatically be remembered for the next backup set.
Start minimized – UltraBac will be minimized when launched.
Include subdirectories – UltraBac will select the entire directory tree by default in all backup sets.
Show file size in KB/MB – When checked, only data amounts smaller than 1 KB will be expressed as bytes. If unchecked, all data values will be expressed as bytes.
Sort directories to top – When enumerating a backup set, directories will appear on top of the directory tree.
Reconnect to last machine at startup – If UltraBac was connected to a remote system when last closed, UltraBac will reconnect at startup.
Automatically Check For UltraBac Update – Will check to see of there is a newer version of UltraBac available.
Disable Splash Window – Eliminates the introductory splash screen appearing before the application launches.
Show Advanced Options – Enables dialog boxes that allow the File-by-File Agent to be run locally or remotely during an ad hoc backup, and during restore. It also enables "Enterprise Control File."
Maintain own Managed Machines List – Allows each user to create and maintain a Managed Machines list when logged into the backup host system.
Show full M-S week on scheduler – Shows the entire 7-day calendar in the UltraBac Scheduler.
Show help dialog on startup – Enables the helper dialog when the Management Console is launched.
Save window size and position – UltraBac will remember its previous window size when opened.
Sync between Managed Machines and the UltraBac Database list – Only visible if connected to an UltraBac database. Adding machines to a Managed Machine list will add them to the database for Centralized Management monitoring.
The Authentication menu allows user accounts to be added for use in UltraBac. Account passwords can also be changed or reset in this menu.
Fig. 3 - Authentication methods.
Fig. 4 - Show accounts.
To add a domain user account in UltraBac:
Click the "Show Accounts" button in the Authentication tab.
Click the "Add Account" icon.
Type the domain name for the account to be used in the "Domain" field.
Type the account name to be used in the "User Name" field.
Type the password for the specified account in the "Password" field.
Re-type the password in the "Confirm Password" field.
Click "OK" to add the account.
Fig. 5 - Account Information.
Checking "Set as default for all connections" will instruct UltraBac to use the specified account to run all scheduled backups as this user. Ad hoc backup jobs and restores are run as the currently logged on user.
To add a workgroup user account in UltraBac:
Click the "Show Accounts" button in the Authentication tab.
Click the "Add Account" icon.
Type the account name to be used in the "User Name" field.
Type the password for the specified account in the "Password" field.
Re-type the password in the "Confirm Password" field.
Click "OK."
Type in or browse to the Windows name or IP address of the system to be backed up.
Click "OK" to add the account.
NOTE: When specifying an account to be used in a workgroup, do not enter any information into the "Domain" field. |
When creating a backup of a remote system, it is sometimes necessary to use an account other than the default account for the backup connection. This can be used in cases of backing up a system in a workgroup from a domain, or backing up systems in another domain. The secondary account can target either an individual system or a domain. A workgroup cannot be specified as a target; individual accounts for the systems in that workgroup must be added.
To add a secondary user account in UltraBac:
Click the "Show Accounts" button in the Authentication tab.
Click the "Add Account" icon.
Type the domain name for the account to be used in the "Domain" field, if the target system is in a domain. If in a workgroup, leave this field blank.
Type the account name to be used in the "User Name" field.
Type the password for the specified account in the "Password" field.
Re-type the password in the "Confirm Password" field.
Click "OK" to add the account.
Fig. 6 - Specifying a system in the "Select Network Machine" screen.
At the "Select Network Machine" prompt, type or browse to the target machine (or domain) and click "OK."
To delete an account from the Authentication menu:
Click the "Show Accounts" button in the Authentication tab.
Click on the account to be deleted.
Click the red "Delete" icon.
To view or modify the properties of an account:
Click the "Show Accounts" button in the Authentication tab.
Click on the account to be viewed/modified.
Click the "Edit" icon.
Click "OK" when finished.
To push out account Authentication to managed machines:
Click the "Show Accounts" button in the Authentication tab
Highlight the account you wish to push out.
Fig. 7 - Highlight account.
Click on the "Export" button.
Select the Managed Machine Group(s) to push authentication to and click "OK."
Fig. 8 - Managed machine groups.
A window will appear if the account authentication export was successful.
Fig. 9 - Export successful window.
The Backup menu can be used to set system usage and other backup specific options.
Fig. 10 - Backup preferences.
Backup/Restore priority – This setting designates the priority of the system's resources when UltraBac is running:
Normal – Default priority.
High – If a thread runs at the highest priority level for extended periods, other threads in the system will not get processor time.
Realtime – This interrupts system threads that manage mouse input, keyboard input, and background disk flushing. System may appear unresponsive. NOT RECOMMENDED.
Idle – This prevents the threads of this process, which do not have high priority, from interfering with higher priority threads.
Registry backup path – The directory used to store the registry dump created during backup.
Before/After job timeout (minutes) – Through either the set level or scheduled backup group level, UltraBac has a function available to execute batch files, or previously written scripts, to run before the backup begins or after the backup finishes. This time interval specifies how many minutes UltraBac should wait before it stops trying to run the script.
Clear media before backup – Sets a global preference to check the "Clear storage media" option when creating scheduled backup groups."Clear storage media" can be unchecked in the scheduled group.
Verify after backup – Sets a global preference to check the "Verify after backup" option when creating scheduled backup groups."Verify after backup" can be unchecked in the scheduled group.
Compare to disk during verify – Sets a global preference to compare all files to their original source files during verify. With this option unchecked, only a CRC verify is performed.
Automatically resume after paused – Automatically resume the backup if the backup is paused.
Minutes passed: XX – Minutes until the backup is resumed if the backup is paused.
The Restore Options menu is used to set two restore options.
Fig. 11 - Restore preferences.
Restore Options:
Run unattended – Do not prompt the user during ad hoc backups.
Eject media after restore – Eject removable media after ad hoc backup.
The Verify Options menu is used to set two verify options.
Fig. 12 - Verify preferences.
Verify Options:
Run unattended – Do not prompt the user during ad hoc backups.
Eject media after verify – Eject removable media after ad hoc backup.
The Encryption Options menu sets the global options for using AES encryption during backup. When AES is enabled, it functions on the device level, and encrypts all data written to the backup media.
Fig. 13 - AES encryption options.
To enable encryption:
From the main UltraBac toolbar, click "Manage"/"General"/"Encryption."
Set the AES encryption strength: Disable – Turns off all AES usage.
Select the method for generating the encryption key:
Click "OK" to set the encryption options as specified.
NOTE: For more information on using AES encryption, please see the UltraBac Knowledge Base:
UltraBac stores all backup sets and groups in the path specified under "Default path for UltraBac data files."
Fig. 14 - General preferences.
To change the default data file path:
Type in or browse to the folder to be used to store the UltraBac sets and groups.
Click "OK."
The Index menu can be used to set the location of both backup and express indexes, and the amount of time those indexes are to be stored.
Fig. 15 - Backup index preferences.
Create online backup indexes – Must be checked to create an online disk index for every set backed up.
Compress online indexes – Uses up to 65% less storage space than uncompressed online indexes, while requiring minimal compression/decompression time.
Index files path – Path where all online disk indexes are stored. Online disk indexes can be stored locally or on a network path.
Auto purge indexes after [###] days – Number of days before online disk indexes are purged. When set to "0," index entries are not purged by UltraBac. Valid entries are "0" through "999".
Create and use online express indexes – Enables express indexes.
Auto erase express indexes – Automatically deletes the express index when the corresponding storage media is cleared by UltraBac.
Express index file path – Path where all express indexes are stored. Express indexes can be stored locally or on a network path.
The Logs menu can be used to set the location of backup, verify and restore logs, and define the amount of time those logs are to be stored.
Fig. 16 - Log file preferences.
The default location and other log file options are handled by the preferences selected. The log file time can be set to use the time zone specified in the Windows clock on the backup host, or GMT, or both.
Create Log Files – Enables the creation of backup, verify, and restore logs.
Log File / Secondary Log File (optional)
Path – Path where all UltraBac log files are stored. Log files can be stored locally or on a network path.
Purge Logs After [###] Days – Number of days before log files are purged. When set to "0," log files are not purged by UltraBac. Valid entries are "0" through "999."
Additional Options
Create Detailed Log Files – Backup logs will show all files handled during backup, verify, and restore operations.
Log stylesheet path – Specifies the path to the stylesheet to use for displaying all UltraBac logs in the UltraBac File Viewer.
Time To Display In Logs – Time displayed in logs for start, end, errors, warnings.
Clear lock files – Deletes all .lck files from the logs directory.
The Media menu is used to set the default values for the media protection and compression options available in UltraBac.
Fig 17 - Media options.
Default Device – Opens the UltraBac Storage Device Manager.
NOTE: For more information on using the UltraBac Storage Device Manager, please visit the "Storage Device Manager" section of the User Manual:
Data compression options are set globally and cannot be overridden in the scheduled backup groups:
Hardware compression – Compression is controlled by the storage media.
Software compression – Compression is controlled by UltraBac, and is reported in the backup log.
Any available compression – Software compression is used if hardware compression is not available.
No compression – Disables the use of compression in all backups.
Protect media for: [###] Days – Protects the storage media from being overwritten by UltraBac for the number of days specified. Valid entries are "1" through "999."
Allow override – Allows protected media to be cleared by UltraBac before backup.
Expire media after: [####] Uses – Sets the number of times the storage media can be used by UltraBac before the media is considered unusable. Valid entries are "1" through "9999."
NOTE: When backing up to an autoloader, UltraBac uses the protection settings on only the first tape. If the backup uses more than one tape, UltraBac will automatically clear the subsequent tapes. |
The Holiday menu can be configured to alter backup behavior on specified days.
Fig. 18 - Holiday preferences.
Use the "Events [option] holidays by default" field to set holiday behavior:
Run On – Instructs to run on holidays.
Do Not Run On – Instructs backups to not run on holidays.
To add a holiday to the Holidays menu:
Click the "Add New Holiday" icon.
Type a description or name into the "Description" field.
Fig. 19 - Holiday properties.
Type or use the drop-down calendar to enter a date for the holiday.
Type or use the selection arrows to enter a duration for the holiday.
Check "Every Year (same month/day)" to set the holiday for the same date every year.
Check "Enable Holiday" to activate the holiday.
Click "OK" to add the holiday.
The Advanced menu contains options for configuring error handling and cluster server behavior. It is not recommended to change these settings from the default values.
Fig. 20 - Advanced options.
Number of errors in set before aborting: [###] – Sets the number of errors allowed in each backup set before UltraBac is allowed to abort that set. The default setting is "100."
Enable backup node failover on Cluster Server – This option should only be enabled if UltraBac is installed on a Microsoft Cluster Server. Should the primary node fail, UltraBac will continue its regular scheduled backup jobs on the secondary node in the cluster. Requires UltraBac services to be configured on the cluster.
Publish License Servers to Active Directory – Records the UltraBac License server in Active Directory for the local domain.
Perform the AutoDelete prior to the operation – Perform AutoDelete on a BackupPath before the backup runs rather than after a successful completion.
Treat file not found as warning – Files "not found" during a backup will be reported in the backup logs as a warning only, not an error.
Treat data truncation as warning – Data truncation during backup will be reported in the backup logs as a warning only, not an error.
Suppress Unknown Profile Reports – Causes UltraBac to not report 1332 errors when a profile has been partially deleted or corrupted.
Don't treat skipped file as error or warning – Instructs UltraBac to not record skipped files as either an error or a warning in backup logs.
The Backup Throughput options can lower the overall backup and restore speeds by up to 75%.
High – Runs at full speed
Medium – Runs at 50% speed
Low – Runs at 25% speed
The Restore Throughput options can lower the overall backup and restore speeds by up to 75%.
High – Runs at full speed
Medium – Runs at 50% speed
Low – Runs at 25% speed
UltraVue allows the viewing of active backup jobs on the local system, and all systems in the Maintain Managed Machines list.
Fig. 21 - UltraVue preferences.
Local computer – View active backups on the local system.
Machines in the Managed Machines List – View active backups on all systems in the Managed Machines list.
New job check interval [###] (Seconds) – The amount of time between backup activity queries, in seconds. Valid entries are "1" through "9999."
Progress refresh interval [###] (Seconds) – The amount of time between backup activity queries, in seconds. Valid entries are "1" through "9999."