UltraBac stores information on backup output devices in the UltraBac Storage Device Manager. This utility allows the administrator many different kinds of storage devices. To access the UltraBac Storage Device Manager, click "Storage Devices" from the Manage tab in the "Configure" dialog box.
Tape – locally attached tape devices, including libraries.
CD/DVD – locally attached CD/DVD writers.
BackupPath – local disk or UNC path devices.
Cloud – write to cloud providers
Tivoli – IBM Tivoli devices.
DiskMirror – locally attached unpartitioned disk used for static mirror imaging.
FTP – internet FTP\SFTP sites.
PartitionMirror – locally attached partitioned disk used for static mirror imaging.
Remote – UltraBac devices configured on remote systems.
NOTE: For additional information on Selecting a Storage Device, please see the UltraBac Knowledge Base:
To use a locally attached tape device, ensure that the latest Windows device driver is loaded for each tape device. Locally attached tape devices are automatically enumerated by UltraBac, numbered in sequential order starting with the lowest SCSI ID. UltraBac will automatically assign names to these devices, starting with "Tape0."
Fig. 1 - Tape devices.
If a CD/DVD writable drive is installed in the backup host, it will automatically appear in the CD/DVD tab.
Fig. 2 - CD/DVD devices.
The UltraBac CD/DVD device uses two methods to write backup data to disc in a RAW format. This format makes the disc unreadable to the Windows operating system. To set the write method of CD/DVD devices, highlight the device to select and click the "Edit" button:
Unformatted – Allows for the full capacity of the disc to be used, but the disc can only be used for one backup job before being erased.
Formatted – Formats the disc upon first usage to allow for multiple backups.
BackupPath devices are user-created output targets that point to a folder on the backup host, or on a network path. When creating a BackupPath device, there must be enough space to hold all data being backed up to that device.
To create a BackupPath device:
Open the Storage Device Manager by selecting the Manage tab, and clicking "Storage Devices."
Fig. 3 - Creating a BackupPath device.
Select the BackupPath tab.
Click "Add Device."
Fig. 4 - Disk Storage Device properties.
Enter a name in the "Device Description" field or leave the default value.
Enter a local or UNC path to be used as an output target in the "Path for Device" field.
Click "OK" to save. If the directory specified does not exist, UltraBac will create it.
To limit the amount of data that can be written to the BackupPath, check the box next to and enter the maximum folder size in the "Media Limit MB" field. This will force UltraBac to write to a failover device, or abort the backup, if the amount of data written to the disk path reaches the specified limit.
To change the size of the files written to the BackupPath, enter the desired size in the "File Limit MB" field. It is not recommended to use a file size larger than 4096 MB.
Checking "Write Protected" will prompt for confirmation and if confirmed will set the read only attribute for all existing UltraBac device files in the path given. Clearing the check box will likewise prompt for confirmation and remove the read only file attribute. This option cause the backuppath to behave as if it is a write protected tape for backups and erasure.
It will then immediately set the read only attribute for all of the existing UltraBac device files for that device and create a marker file to indicate it is write protected. Clearing the write protect will likewise ask if you are sure then will clear the read only status of the files under the path and remove the write protect marker file.
It will behave as a write protected tape would for backups and erasure.
NOTE: For additional information on Defining a Disk (BackupPath) Storage Device, please see the UltraBac Knowledge Base:
Checking "Delete Backups Older than X Days" will allow UltraBac to write multiple days' worth of backups to the same BackupPath device, and keep only an archive of the specified number of days.
Checking "Keep X Number of Successful Backups" will keep X number of successfully completed backups.
Fig. 5 - Auto deletion of old backups.
A successful backup is defined as a backup with no errors.
Example: If the device is only to keep 15 successful backups, after the 16th backup the oldest one will be deleted.
This option can be combined with the "Delete Backups Older than X Days" option.
Example: The "Keep X Number of Successful Backups" takes precedence over "Delete Backups Older than X Days" if there is a conflict. Once the required number of successful backups have been kept, older backups for the specific device are deleted based upon their age.
Both features can be overridden to perform the deletion prior to the backup taking place via "Manage" / "General" / "Advanced" and checking the box "Perform the AutoDelete prior to the operation." Only recommended if storage device is running low on space.
NOTE: For information on configuring a Backup Path to a CIFS Share or an HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System, please see the UltraBac Knowledge Base:
NOTE: To use a cloud device you will need to already have an account with one of the public cloud providers: Amazon S3, Rackspace, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack, Google, HP, Internap or Wasabi Cloud Storage. |
To create a Cloud device:
Open the Storage Device Manager by selecting the Manage tab, and clicking "Storage Devices."
Fig. 6 - Creating a Cloud device.
Select the Cloud tab.
Click "Add Device."
Enter the "Cloud Storage Device Properties"
To define a cloud device you will need to know the provider you are using along with:
Region – Named set of resources in a geographical area.
ID – Used in conjunction with the Secret key to cryptographically sign programmatic requests to identify the sender and prevent the requests from being altered.
Secret – Key used in conjunction with the ID to cryptographically sign programmatic requests to identify the sender and prevent the requests from being altered.
Bucket Name – A container for objects. If the provider is Amazon, bucket names must be UNIQUE across ALL AWS users, so use a naming scheme that will not conflict with any other users’ bucket names.
Path for Device – The subfolder(s) to store files.
Endpoint – A URL that identifies a host and port as the entry point for a Web service.
Fig. 7 - Defining the Cloud Storage Device Properties.
Click "OK" to save.
NOTE: To use the Tivoli device, the backup host must be running the Tivoli client software. You can download the client software from the following link:
http://service.boulder.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-storage-management/maintenance/client/ |
To define a Tivoli device:
Open the Storage Device Manager by selecting the Manage tab, and clicking "Storage Devices."
Select the Tivoli tab.
Fig. 8 - Creating a Tivoli device.
Enter a device name in the "Device Information" "Description" field.
Enter the name or IP address of the Tivoli server in the "Server" field.
Enter the password defined on the selected Tivoli server for the Node name in the "Password" field.
Enter the output file size in the "File Limit MB" field.
Change the Port field if TSM server has been changed from the default 1500 port number.
Enter the Folder (high-level name) to use for backup in the "Folder" field. Recommended to leave blank on new devices.
Enter a "Node" name and "Filespace" under Advanced Properties.
Click on "OK."
Fig. 9 - Tivoli device properties.
Configuration Data – This is the TSM Client config file and defines things like the communication protocol and port number to use when communicating with the server.
Use DSMI_CONFIG environment variable, if available – Selects whether the DSMI_CONFIG environment variable, if checked, overrides the above path.
Node – The Node name that UltraBac passes to the Tivoli server.
Filespace – Part of an object's full name and stems from ADSM being designed to back up servers.
Using "PasswordAccess Generate" in opt file.
Use Inactive files for Restore – To make use of TSM's file versioning, it is recommended to "Clear Storage Media" which for TSM devices marks all active files as inactive rather than actually clearing the storage device. Check this box to enable "Select Inactive Versions" to chose an inactive backup index to restore from.
The Tivoli devices have global available advanced options that are found via "Manage" / Options "Storage Devices" / "Tivoli"
Fig. 10 - Advanced Tivoli device options.
The FTP device provides UltraBac with the ability to direct backups to any FTP server compliant with the RFC 959 specification and sufficient space to store backup output files. This is especially useful for configuring an off-site backup location, or to a non-Windows file storage configured to use FTP.
To add an FTP device:
Open the Storage Device Manager by selecting the Manage tab, and clicking "Storage Devices."
Select the FTP tab.
Fig. 11 - Adding an FTP device.
Type a device description (as it will appear in the backup log) into the "Description" field.
Type an FTP server name or IP address in the "Server" field.
Type a folder path to be used to store backup data in the "Path" field. This must be the full path, from the FTP root directory to the location where the backup files will be stored.
Type the user name for the FTP server in the "User" field.
Type the password for the user name in the "Password" field.
Re-type the password for the user name in the "Re-Enter" field.
Click "OK" to save.
Type – This allows the FTP device to use standard FTP or SFTP servers.
FTP – File Transfer Protocol server.
SFTP – Secure FTP server, allowing UltraBac to encrypt all data transferred to the SFTP server.
AES – Use AES encryption algorithm when writing to the SFTP serve
Blowfish – Uses the Blowfish encryption algorithm when writing to the SFTP server.
DES – Uses the Data Encryption Standard algorithm when writing to the SFTP server.
None – Do not use encryption during data transfer.
ThreeDES – Uses the ThreeDES encryption algorithm when writing to the SFTP server.
Use Default Port – Uncheck this field to specify a port other than the default FTP port.
Media Limit MB – Restrict the amount of data the device can accept to the amount (in megabytes) listed in this field.
File Limit MB – Limit the backup output file size to the amount (in megabytes) listed in this field.
Delete Lock File – Deletes the .ubd file that is created when the device is in use.
Test – Establish a test connection to the FTP directory.
Checking "Delete Backups Older than X Days" will allow UltraBac to write multiple days' worth of backups to the same BackupPath device, and keep only an archive of the specified number of days.
Checking "Keep X Number of Successful Backups" will keep X number of backups with no errors reported within the "Delete Backups Older than X Days" criteria.
Fig. 12 - Auto deletion of old backups.
A successful backup is defined as a backup with no errors.
Example: If the device is only to keep 15 successful backups, after the 16th backup the oldest one will be deleted.
This option can be combined with the "Delete Backups Older than X Days" option.
Example: The "Keep X Number of Successful Backups" takes precedence over "Delete Backups Older than X Days" if there is a conflict. Once the required number of successful backups have been kept, older backups for the specific device are deleted based upon their age.
Both features can be overridden to perform the deletion prior to the backup taking place via "Manage" / "General" / "Advanced" and checking the box "Perform the AutoDelete prior to the operation." Only recommended if storage device is running low on space.
The Remote device option allows UltraBac to use any UltraBac Storage Device, including Tape drives, attached to a system other than the UltraBac backup host.
NOTE: The "UltraBac Device Drivers" must be installed on the system hosting the tape drive. Tape devices are automatically enumerated when UltraBac is installed on the tape host, and these devices are numbered in sequential order starting with the lowest SCSI ID. UltraBac will automatically assign names to these devices, starting with "Tape0." |
Open the Storage Device Manager by selecting the Manage tab, and clicking "Storage Devices" in the "Configure" dialog box.
Select the Remote tab.
Click "Add Device."
Enter the Windows name or IP address of the tape host in the "Device Host" field.
Enter the UltraBac assigned device name in the "Remote Device" field, or click "Browse" to select.
Click "OK" to save.
Fig. 13 - Remote device properties.
A static mirror image backup requires the creation of either a DiskMirror or PartitionMirror device. It is necessary to have either Partition or Disk devices that are of the same size, or larger, than the original disk/partition. These backups can only be performed to a local disk.
Disk Mirror – If a unpartitioned hard disk is present, it will be available for addition as an Image device.
Partition Mirror – If a partition is created on a hard disk, with no assigned drive letter, it will be available for addition as a Partition device.
NOTE: For additional information on Static Mirror Image backups concerning Disk Mirror and Partition Mirror devices, please visit the "UltraBac Disaster Recovery" section of the User Manual:
NOTE: For additional information on how to perform Static Mirror Image backups, please visit the "Static Mirror Image Backup" section of the User Manual:
The currently selected device is shown on the lower status bar of UltraBac.
To set a device as the default:
Click the device to highlight it.
Click "OK."
To select the device for use during an ad hoc backup:
Start an ad hoc backup.
Click the "Change Device" button in the "Current Device" group of the "Backup Options"
Fig. 14 - The "Change Device" button in Backup Options.
In the "UltraBac Device Browser," click on the device to use for backup.
Fig. 15 - UltraBac Device Browser.